21 research outputs found

    Slicing Techniques Applied to Concurrent Languages

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    In this thesis are presented different program slicing techniques for two concurrent languages: CSP and Petri Nets. As for CSP, two static slices are introduced, using both a new kind of graph. Furthermore, their implementation is also presented and tested. As for Petri Nets, two dynamic slicing techniques are proposed.Tamarit Muñoz, S. (2008). Slicing Techniques Applied to Concurrent Languages. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13627Archivo delegad

    Analysis Techniques for Concurrent Programming Languages

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    Los lenguajes concurrentes est an cada d a m as presentes en nuestra sociedad, tanto en las nuevas tecnolog as como en los sistemas utilizados de manera cotidiana. M as a un, dada la actual distribuci on de los sistemas y su arquitectura interna, cabe esperar que este hecho siga siendo una realidad en los pr oximos a~nos. En este contexto, el desarrollo de herramientas de apoyo al desarrollo de programas concurrentes se vuelve esencial. Adem as, el comportamiento de los sistemas concurrentes es especialmente dif cil de analizar, por lo que cualquier herramienta que ayude en esta tarea, a un cuando sea limitada, ser a de gran utilidad. Por ejemplo, podemos encontrar herramientas para la depuraci on, an alisis, comprobaci on, optimizaci on, o simpli caci on de programas. Muchas de ellas son ampliamente utilizadas por los programadores hoy en d a. El prop osito de esta tesis es introducir, a trav es de diferentes lenguajes de programaci on concurrentes, t ecnicas de an alisis que puedan ayudar a mejorar la experiencia del desarrollo y publicaci on de software para modelos concurrentes. En esta tesis se introducen tanto an alisis est aticos (aproximando todas las posibles ejecuciones) como din amicos (considerando una ejecuci on en concreto). Los trabajos aqu propuestos di eren lo su ciente entre s para constituir ideas totalmente independientes, pero manteniendo un nexo com un: el hecho de ser un an alisis para un lenguaje concurrente. Todos los an alisis presentados han sido de nidos formalmente y se ha probado su correcci on, asegurando que los resultados obtenidos tendr an el grado de abilidad necesario en sistemas que lo requieran, como por ejemplo, en sistemas cr ticos. Adem as, se incluye la descripci on de las herramientas software que implementan las diferentes ideas propuestas. Esto le da al trabajo una utilidad m as all a del marco te orico, permitiendo poner en pr actica y probar con ejemplos reales los diferentes an alisis. Todas las ideas aqu presentadas constituyen, por s mismas, propuestas aplicables en multitud de contextos y problemas actuales. Adem as, individualmente sirven de punto de partida para otros an alisis derivados, as como para la adaptaci on a otros lenguajes de la misma familia. Esto le da un valor a~nadido a este trabajo, como bien atestiguan algunos trabajos posteriores que ya se est an bene ciando de los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis.Concurrent languages are increasingly present in our society, both in new technologies and in the systems used on a daily basis. Moreover, given the current systems distribution and their internal architecture, one can expect that this remains so in the coming years. In this context, the development of tools to support the implementation of concurrent programs becomes essential. Futhermore, the behavior of concurrent systems is particularly difficult to analyse, so that any tool that helps in this task, even if in a limited way, will be very useful. For example, one can find tools for debugging, analysis, testing, optimisation, or simplification of programs, which are widely used by programmers nowadays. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce, through various concurrent programming languages, some analysis techniques that can help to improve the experience of the software development and release for concurrent models. This thesis introduces both static (approximating all possible executions) and dynamic (considering a specific execution) analysis. The topics considered here differ enough from each other to be fully independent. Nevertheless, they have a common link: they can be used to analyse properties of a concurrent programming language. All the analyses presented here have been formally defined and their correctness have been proved, ensuring that the results will have the reliability degree which is needed for some systems (for instance, for critical systems). It also includes a description of the software tools that implement the different ideas proposed. This gives the work a usefulness well beyond the theoretical aspect, allowing us to put it in practice and to test the different analyses with real-world examples All the ideas here presented are, by themselves, approaches that can be applied in many current contexts and problems. Moreover, individually they serve as a starting point for other derived analysis, as well as for the adaptation to other languages of the same family. This gives an added value to this work, a fact confirmed by some later works that are already benefiting from the results obtained in this thesis.Tamarit Muñoz, S. (2013). Analysis Techniques for Concurrent Programming Languages [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31651TESI

    What Web Template Extractor Should I Use? A Benchmarking and Comparison for Five Template Extractors

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    "© ACM, 2019. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in PUBLICATION, {VOL 13, ISS 2, (APR 2019)} http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3316810"[EN] A Web template is a resource that implements the structure and format of a website, making it ready for plugging content into already formatted and prepared pages. For this reason, templates are one of the main development resources for website engineers, because they increase productivity. Templates are also useful for the final user, because they provide uniformity and a common look and feel for all webpages. However, from the point of view of crawlers and indexers, templates are an important problem, because templates usually contain irrelevant information, such as advertisements, menus, and banners. Processing and storing this information leads to a waste of resources (storage space, bandwidth, etc.). It has been measured that templates represent between 40% and 50% of data on the Web. Therefore, identifying templates is essential for indexing tasks. There exist many techniques and tools for template extraction, but, unfortunately, it is not clear at all which template extractor should a user/system use, because they have never been compared, and because they present different (complementary) features such as precision, recall, and efficiency. In this work, we compare the most advanced template extractors. We implemented and evaluated five of the most advanced template extractors in the literature. To compare all of them, we implemented a workbench, where they have been integrated and evaluated. Thanks to this workbench, we can provide a fair empirical comparison of all methods using the same benchmarks, technology, implementation language, and evaluation criteria.This work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades/AEI under grant TIN2016-76843-C4-1-R and by the Generalitat Valenciana under grants PROMETEO-II/2015/013 (SmartLogic) and Prometeo/2019/098 (DeepTrust).Alarte, J.; Silva, J.; Tamarit Muñoz, S. (2019). What Web Template Extractor Should I Use? A Benchmarking and Comparison for Five Template Extractors. ACM Transactions on the Web. 13(2):9:1-9:19. https://doi.org/10.1145/3316810S9:19:19132Alarte, J., Insa, D., Silva, J., & Tamarit, S. (2015). TeMex. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web - WWW ’15 Companion. doi:10.1145/2740908.2742835Julián Alarte David Insa Josep Silva and Salvador Tamarit. 2016. Site-Level Web Template Extraction Based on DOM Analysis. Springer International Publishing Cham 36--49. Julián Alarte David Insa Josep Silva and Salvador Tamarit. 2016. Site-Level Web Template Extraction Based on DOM Analysis. Springer International Publishing Cham 36--49.Alassi, D., & Alhajj, R. (2013). Effectiveness of template detection on noise reduction and websites summarization. Information Sciences, 219, 41-72. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2012.07.022Bar-Yossef, Z., & Rajagopalan, S. (2002). Template detection via data mining and its applications. Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on World Wide Web - WWW ’02. doi:10.1145/511446.511522Chakrabarti, D., Kumar, R., & Punera, K. (2007). Page-level template detection via isotonic smoothing. Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web - WWW ’07. doi:10.1145/1242572.1242582Chen, L., Ye, S., & Li, X. (2006). Template detection for large scale search engines. Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing - SAC ’06. doi:10.1145/1141277.1141534Gibson, D., Punera, K., & Tomkins, A. (2005). The volume and evolution of web page templates. Special interest tracks and posters of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web - WWW ’05. doi:10.1145/1062745.1062763Kim, C., & Shim, K. (2011). TEXT: Automatic Template Extraction from Heterogeneous Web Pages. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 23(4), 612-626. doi:10.1109/tkde.2010.140Barbara Ann Kitchenham David Budgen and Pearl Brereton. 2015. Evidence-Based Software Engineering and Systematic Reviews. Chapman 8 Hall/CRC. Barbara Ann Kitchenham David Budgen and Pearl Brereton. 2015. Evidence-Based Software Engineering and Systematic Reviews. Chapman 8 Hall/CRC.Kołcz, A., & Yih, W. (s. f.). Site-Independent Template-Block Detection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 152-163. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-74976-9_17Kohlschütter, C. (2009). A densitometric analysis of web template content. Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web - WWW ’09. doi:10.1145/1526709.1526909Jing Li and C. I. Ezeife. 2006. Cleaning web pages for effective web content mining. In Database and Expert Systems Applications Stéphane Bressan Josef Küng and Roland Wagner (Eds.). Springer Berlin 560--571. 10.1007/11827405_55 Jing Li and C. I. Ezeife. 2006. Cleaning web pages for effective web content mining. In Database and Expert Systems Applications Stéphane Bressan Josef Küng and Roland Wagner (Eds.). Springer Berlin 560--571. 10.1007/11827405_55Bing Liu. 2006. Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks Contents and Usage Data (Data-Centric Systems and Applications). Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Secaucus NJ. Bing Liu. 2006. Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks Contents and Usage Data (Data-Centric Systems and Applications). Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Secaucus NJ.Liu, L., Han, W., Buttler, D., Pu, C., & Tang, W. (1999). An XJML-based wrapper generator for Web information extraction. Proceedings of the 1999 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data - SIGMOD ’99. doi:10.1145/304182.304570Ma, L., Goharian, N., Chowdhury, A., & Chung, M. (2003). Extracting unstructured data from template generated web documents. Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM ’03. doi:10.1145/956863.956961Manjula, R., & Chilambuchelvan, A. (2013). Extracting templates from Web pages. 2013 International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Conservation of Energy (ICGCE). doi:10.1109/icgce.2013.6823541Christopher D. Manning Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich SchÃijtze. 2008. Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press New York NY. Christopher D. Manning Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich SchÃijtze. 2008. Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press New York NY.Meng, X., Hu, D., & Li, C. (2003). Schema-guided wrapper maintenance for web-data extraction. Proceedings of the fifth ACM international workshop on Web information and data management - WIDM ’03. doi:10.1145/956699.956701Nguyen, D. Q., Nguyen, D. Q., Pham, S. B., & Bui, T. D. (2009). A Fast Template-Based Approach to Automatically Identify Primary Text Content of a Web Page. 2009 International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering. doi:10.1109/kse.2009.39Schäfer, R. (2016). Accurate and efficient general-purpose boilerplate detection for crawled web corpora. Language Resources and Evaluation, 51(3), 873-889. doi:10.1007/s10579-016-9359-2Sivakumar, P. (2015). Effectual Web Content Mining using Noise Removal from Web Pages. Wireless Personal Communications, 84(1), 99-121. doi:10.1007/s11277-015-2596-7Song, D., Sun, F., & Liao, L. (2013). A hybrid approach for content extraction with text density and visual importance of DOM nodes. Knowledge and Information Systems, 42(1), 75-96. doi:10.1007/s10115-013-0687-xR. Uma and B. Latha. 2018. Noise elimination from web pages for efficacious information retrieval. Cluster Comput. (Mar. 2018). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10586-018-2366-x#citeas. R. Uma and B. Latha. 2018. Noise elimination from web pages for efficacious information retrieval. Cluster Comput. (Mar. 2018). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10586-018-2366-x#citeas.Uzun, E., Agun, H. V., & Yerlikaya, T. (2013). A hybrid approach for extracting informative content from web pages. Information Processing & Management, 49(4), 928-944. doi:10.1016/j.ipm.2013.02.005Vieira, K., da Costa Carvalho, A. L., Berlt, K., de Moura, E. S., da Silva, A. S., & Freire, J. (2009). On Finding Templates on Web Collections. World Wide Web, 12(2), 171-211. doi:10.1007/s11280-009-0059-3Vieira, K., da Silva, A. S., Pinto, N., de Moura, E. S., Cavalcanti, J. M. B., & Freire, J. (2006). A fast and robust method for web page template detection and removal. Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM ’06. doi:10.1145/1183614.1183654Thijs Vogels Octavian-Eugen Ganea and Carsten Eickhoff. 2018. Web2Text: Deep structured boilerplate removal. CoRR abs/1801.02607 (2018). Retrieved from http://arxiv.org/abs/1801.02607. Thijs Vogels Octavian-Eugen Ganea and Carsten Eickhoff. 2018. Web2Text: Deep structured boilerplate removal. CoRR abs/1801.02607 (2018). Retrieved from http://arxiv.org/abs/1801.02607.Wang, Y., Fang, B., Cheng, X., Guo, L., & Xu, H. (2008). Incremental web page template detection. Proceeding of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web - WWW ’08. doi:10.1145/1367497.1367749Yi, L., Liu, B., & Li, X. (2003). Eliminating noisy information in Web pages for data mining. Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining - KDD ’03. doi:10.1145/956750.956785Zheng, S., Song, R., Wen, J.-R., & Giles, C. L. (2009). Efficient record-level wrapper induction. Proceeding of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM ’09. doi:10.1145/1645953.1645962Zheng, S., Song, R., Wen, J.-R., & Wu, D. (2007). Joint optimization of wrapper generation and template detection. Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining - KDD ’07. doi:10.1145/1281192.128128

    Precise explanation of success typing errors

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    Nowadays, many dynamic languages come with (some sort of) type inference in order to detect type errors statically. Often, in order not to unnecessarily reject programs which are allowed under a dynamic type discipline, their type inference algorithms are based on non-standard (i.e., not unification based) type inference algorithms. Instead, they employ aggressive forwards and backwards propagation of subtype constraints. Although such analyses are effective in locating actual programming errors, the errors they report are often extremely difficult for programmers to follow and convince themselves of their validity. We have observed this phenomenon in the context of Erlang: for a number of years now its implementation comes with a static analysis tool called Dialyzer which, among other software discrepancies, detects definite type errors (i.e., code points that will result in a runtime error if executed) by inferring success typings. In this work, we extend the analysis that infers success typings, with infrastructure that maintains additional information that can be used to provide precise (i.e., minimal) explanations about the cause of a discrepancy reported by Dialyzer using program slicing. We have implemented the techniques we describe in a publicly available development branch of DialyzerSagonas, K.; Silva Galiana, JF.; Tamarit Muñoz, S. (2013). Precise explanation of success typing errors. En Proceeding PEPM '13 Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2013 workshop on Partial evaluation and program manipulation. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). 33-42. doi:10.1145/2426890.2426897S334

    Statistical Analysis of Students Behavioral and Attendance Habits in Engineering Education

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    [EN] This study aims at quantifying the relationship between the marks of students and their seating position in the classroom. The study is cross-sectional, quantitative, observational, and correlational. It analyzed data collected throughout two academic years about the students¿ marks (in different terms, courses, and degrees) and about their daily seating position (so, every change was recorded) for both theory and practice lessons. The quantitative data collected in the study was statistically analyzed. The main result is that the seating position is significantly correlated with the marks in the studied context (engineering schools with classrooms with 5-66 students). Other side results show a positive influence on marks of working alone with respect to sharing the computer with a classmate; indicate where do students who give up the course usually sit, and when in the academic term do, they give up. This article provides empirical data with regards to the relation between classroom seating and academic performance in engineering schools. The results obtained quantify this relation, but they cannot determine whether it is causal, consequential, or both. This study complements other studies that correlated motivation with seating preferences.This work has been partially supported by MINECO/AEI/FEDER (EU), under grant TIN2016-76843-C4-1-R; and Generalitat Valenciana, under grant PROMETEO-II/2015/013 (SmartLogic).Ibáñez, V.; Pérez-Rubio, S.; Silva, J.; Tamarit Muñoz, S. (2019). Statistical Analysis of Students Behavioral and Attendance Habits in Engineering Education. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice. 19(4):48-64. https://doi.org/10.12738/estp.2019.4.004S486419

    Site-Level Web Template Extraction Based on DOM Analysis

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41579-6_4One of the main development resources for website engineers are Web templates. Templates allow them to increase productivity by plugin content into already formatted and prepared pagelets. For the final user templates are also useful, because they provide uniformity and a common look and feel for all webpages. However, from the point of view of crawlers and indexers, templates are an important problem, because templates usually contain irrelevant information such as advertisements, menus, and banners. Processing and storing this information leads to a waste of resources (storage space, bandwidth, etc.). It has been measured that templates represent between 40 % and 50 % of data on the Web. Therefore, identifying templates is essential for indexing tasks. In this work we propose a novel method for automatic web template extraction that is based on similarity analysis between the DOM trees of a collection of webpages that are detected using an hyperlink analysis. Our implementation and experiments demonstrate the usefulness of the technique.This work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad (Secretar´ıa de Estado de Investigaci´on, Desarrollo e Innovaci´on) under grant TIN2013-44742-C4-1-R and by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEOII/2015/013. David Insa was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Eduaci´on under FPU grant AP2010-4415.Alarte-Aleixandre, J.; Insa Cabrera, D.; Silva, J.; Tamarit Muñoz, S. (2016). Site-Level Web Template Extraction Based on DOM Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 9609:36-49. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41579-6S3649960

    Dynamic slicing of concurrent specification languages

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Parallel Computing. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Parallel Computing, 53, 1-22., (2016). DOI 10.1016/j.parco.2016.01.006.[EN] Dynamic slicing is a technique to extract the part of the program (called slice) that influences or is influenced, in a particular execution, by a given point of interest in the source code (called slicing criterion). Since a single execution is considered, the technique often uses a trace of this execution to analyze data and control dependencies. In this work we present the first formulation and implementation of dynamic slicing in the context of CSP. Most of the ideas presented can be directly applied to other concurrent specification languages such as Promela or CCS, but we center the discussion and the implementation on CSP. We base our technique on a new data structure to represent CSP computations called track. A track is a data structure which represents the sequence of expressions that have been evaluated during the computation, and moreover, it is labeled with the location of these expressions in the specification. The implementation of a dynamic slicer for CSP is useful for debugging, program comprehension, and program specialization, and it is also interesting from a theoretical perspective because CSP introduces difficulties such as heavy concurrency and non-determinism, synchronizations, frequent absence of data dependence, etc. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reservedThis work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under Grant TIN2013-44742-C4-1-R and by the Generalitat Valenciana under Grant PROMETEOII/2015/013 (SmartLogic). Salvador Tamarit was partially supported by Madrid regional projects N-GREENS Software-CM (S2013/ICE-2731), and by European Union project POLCA (STREP FP7-ICT-20133.4 610686).Llorens Agost, ML.; Oliver Villarroya, J.; Silva, J.; Tamarit Muñoz, S. (2016). Dynamic slicing of concurrent specification languages. Parallel Computing. 53:1-22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.parco.2016.01.006S1225

    TeMex: The Web Template Extractor

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    "© ACM} 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in ACM, In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 155-158), http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2740908.2742835This paper presents and describes TeMex, a site-level web template extractor. TeMex is fully automatic, and it can work with online webpages without any preprocessing stage (no information about the template or the associated webpages is needed) and, more importantly, it does not need a prede- fined set of webpages to perform the analysis. TeMex only needs a URL. Contrarily to previous approaches, it includes a mechanism to identify webpage candidates that share the same template. This mechanism increases both recall and precision, and it also reduces the amount of webpages loaded and processed. We describe the tool and its internal architecture, and we present the results of its empirical evaluation.This work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación) under Grant TIN2013-44742-C4-1-R and by the Generalitat Valenciana under Grant PROMETEOII/2015/013. David Insa was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación under FPU Grant AP2010-4415. Salvador Tamarit was partially supported by research project POLCA, Programming Large Scale Heterogeneous Infrastructures (610686), funded by the European Union, STREP FP7.Alarte, J.; Insa Cabrera, D.; Silva Galiana, JF.; Tamarit Muñoz, S. (2015). TeMex: The Web Template Extractor. ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/2740908.2742835SOverlay extension. Available from URL: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/Overlay_Extensions, 2005.J. Alarte, D. Insa, J. Silva, and S. Tamarit. Automatic Detection of Webpages that Share the Same Web Template. In M. H. ter Beek and A. Ravara, editors, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems (WWV 14), volume 163 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 2--15. Open Publishing Association, July 2014.J. Alarte, D. Insa, J. Silva, and S. Tamarit. A Benchmark Suite for Template Detection and Content Extraction. CoRR, abs/1409.6182, 2014.Z. Bar-Yossef and S. Rajagopalan. Template detection via data mining and its applications. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW'02), pages 580--591, New York, NY, USA, 2002. ACM.M. Baroni, F. Chantree, A. Kilgarriff, and S. Sharoff. Cleaneval: a Competition for Cleaning Web Pages. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08), pages 638--643. European Language Resources Association, may 2008.D. Gibson, K. Punera, and A. Tomkins. The volume and evolution of web page templates. In A. Ellis and T. Hagino, editors, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW'05), pages 830--839. ACM, may 2005.T. Gottron. Evaluating content extraction on HTML documents. In V. Grout, D. Oram, and R. Picking, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA'07), pages 123--132. National Assembly for Wales, sep 2007.D. d. C. Reis, P. B. Golgher, A. S. Silva, and A. H. F. Laender. Automatic web news extraction using tree edit distance. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW'04), pages 502--511, New York, NY, USA, 2004. ACM.K. Vieira, A. L. da Costa Carvalho, K. Berlt, E. S. de Moura, A. S. da Silva, and J. Freire. On finding templates on web collections. World Wide Web, 12(2):171--211, 2009.K. Vieira, A. S. da Silva, N. Pinto, E. S. de Moura, J. a. M. B. Cavalcanti, and J. Freire. A fast and robust method for web page template detection and removal. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'06), pages 258--267, New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM.T. Weninger, W. Henry Hsu, and J. Han. CETR: Content Extraction via Tag Ratios. In M. Rappa, P. Jones, J. Freire, and S. Chakrabarti, editors, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW'10), pages 971--980. ACM, apr 2010.L. Yi, B. Liu, and X. Li. Eliminating noisy information in web pages for data mining. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data mining (KDD'03), pages 296--305, New York, NY, USA, 2003. ACM

    Graph generation to statically represent CSP processes

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    The CSP language allows the specification and verification of complex concurrent systems. Many analyses for CSP exist that have been successfully applied in different industrial projects. However, the cost of the analyses performed is usually very high, and sometimes prohibitive, due to the complexity imposed by the non-deterministic execution order of processes and to the restrictions imposed on this order by synchronizations. In this work, we define a data structure that allows us to statically simplify a specification before the analyses. This simplification can drastically reduce the time needed by many CSP analyses. We also introduce an algorithm able to automatically generate this data structure from a CSP specification. The algorithm has been proved correct and its implementation for the CSP's animator ProB is publicly available. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under grant TIN2008-06622-C03-02, by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant ACOMP/2010/042, and by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Program PAID-06-08). Salvador Tamarit was partially supported by the Spanish MICINN under FPI grant BES-2009-015019.Llorens Agost, ML.; Oliver Villarroya, J.; Silva Galiana, JF.; Tamarit Muñoz, S. (2011). Graph generation to statically represent CSP processes. En Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation. Springer Verlag (Germany). 6564:52-66. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-20551-4_4S52666564Brassel, B., Hanus, M., Huch, F., Vidal, G.: A Semantics for Tracing Declarative Multi-paradigm Programs. In: Moggi, E., Warren, D.S. (eds.) 6th ACM SIGPLAN Int’l Conf. on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2004), pp. 179–190. ACM, New York (2004)Butler, M., Leuschel, M.: Combining CSP and B for specification and property verification. In: Fitzgerald, J., Hayes, I.J., Tarlecki, A. (eds.) FM 2005. LNCS, vol. 3582, pp. 221–236. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)Hoare, C.A.R.: Communicating Sequential Processes. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River (1985)Kavi, K.M., Sheldon, F.T., Shirazi, B., Hurson, A.R.: Reliability Analysis of CSP Specifications using Petri Nets and Markov Processes. In: 28th Annual Hawaii Int’l Conf. on System Sciences (HICSS 1995). Software Technology, vol. 2, pp. 516–524. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA (1995)Ladkin, P., Simons, B.: Static Deadlock Analysis for CSP-Type Communications. In: Responsive Computer Systems (Ch. 5). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1995)Leuschel, M., Butler, M.: ProB: an Automated Analysis Toolset for the B Method. Journal of Software Tools for Technology Transfer 10(2), 185–203 (2008)Leuschel, M., Llorens, M., Oliver, J., Silva, J., Tamarit, S.: Static Slicing of CSP Specifications. In: Hanus, M. (ed.) 18th Int’l Symp. on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2008), pp. 141–150. Technical report, DSIC-II/09/08, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (July 2008)Leuschel, M., Llorens, M., Oliver, J., Silva, J., Tamarit, S.: SOC: a Slicer for CSP Specifications. In: Puebla, G., Vidal, G. (eds.) 2009 ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-based Program Manipulation (PEPM 2009), pp. 165–168. ACM, New York (2009)Leuschel, M., Llorens, M., Oliver, J., Silva, J., Tamarit, S.: The MEB and CEB static analysis for CSP specifications. In: Hanus, M. (ed.) LOPSTR 2008. LNCS, vol. 5438, pp. 103–118. Springer, Heidelberg (2009)Llorens, M., Oliver, J., Silva, J., Tamarit, S.: A Semantics to Generate the Context-sensitive Synchronized Control-Flow Graph (extended). Technical report DSIC, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain (June 2010), http://www.dsic.upv.es/~jsilvaLlorens, M., Oliver, J., Silva, J., Tamarit, S.: Transforming Communicating Sequential Processes to Petri Nets. In: Topping, B.H.V., Adam, J.M., Pallarés, F.J., Bru, R., Romero, M.L. (eds.) Seventh Int’l Conference on Engineering Computational Technology (ICECT 2010). Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 26 (2010)Roscoe, A.W., Gardiner, P.H.B., Goldsmith, M., Hulance, J.R., Jackson, D.M., Scattergood, J.B.: Hierarchical Compression for Model-Checking CSP or How to Check 1020 Dining Philosophers for Deadlock. In: Brinksma, E., Cleaveland, R., Larsen, K.G., Margaria, T., Steffen, B. (eds.) TACAS 1995. LNCS, vol. 1019, pp. 133–152. Springer, Heidelberg (1995)Roscoe, A.W.: The Theory and Practice of Concurrency. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River (2005

    ¿Aprendo más trabajando solo o en pareja? ¿Aprendo más estando cerca o lejos de la pizarra?

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    [ES] Este artculo desarrolla un estudio estadstico a partir de un experimentorealizado en dos escuelas universitarias de la Universitat Politecnica deValencia. El objetivo principal del estudio es cuanticar como la distanciade los alumnos al profesor y la pizarra en el aula afecta a su rendimientoacademico. Un segundo objetivo pretende determinar si trabajar en parejao de manera individual tambien afecta al rendimiento. En el experimentohemos recogido y procesado informacion sobre la posicion exacta de cadaalumno en el aula y en el laboratorio durante dos cursos academicos.Tambien se registro cada cambio de posicion, as como sus notas en diferentesexamenes, cursos y asignaturas tanto de teora como de practicas.Nuestro experimento ha producido gran cantidad de datos que han sidoanalizados usando metodos estadsticos avanzados como ANOVA, el testHSD post-hoc de Tukey, y el test de Mantel basado en el coeciente decorrelacion producto-momento de Pearson.Proyecto financiado por EU (FEDER) y el Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad (TIN2013- 44742-C4-1-R), por la Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO-II/2015/013), y por la Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia (PIME B16). Los autores agradecen el respaldo de la acci´on COST IC1405.Insa Cabrera, D.; Silva Galiana, JF.; Tamarit Muñoz, S. (2016). ¿Aprendo más trabajando solo o en pareja? ¿Aprendo más estando cerca o lejos de la pizarra?. En In-Red 2016. II Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2016.2016.4300OC